Tag Archives: jobs for 2013

We Went a’ Wassailing

8 Jan

On Sunday in the late afternoon we went a’wassailing down at the community garden and orchard. Armed with instruments whose only requirement was that they made a noise and our song sheets supplied by Rosemary, we banged, sang and shook our fists to scare away any evil spirits from the fruit trees.

Here’s hoping they will now bear some incredible fruit for us this year.

Rosemary had also brought with her a piece of toast and dipped in the mulled wine she hung it on our Egremont Russet apple tree to (encourage )  it in its fruitful growth this year. We all enjoyed a glass of mulled drink afterwards and a chat before wandering home as the sun set.

On the Saturday the growing teams convened to walk around the garden to discuss and plan. David took down notes and will circulate an updated list of jobs that need doing at a later date. The top of the list is:-

Marking and mulching the 8 new crowns with pig straw
Weed the whole bed
Moving old crowns to new area as they are starting to grow in this mild weather.
Prune trees
Finish clearing around hedges and prune
Blackberry canes – agree position and plant
If you can spare any time to help get these jobs done in the next couple of weeks it would help get us off to a great start this year.
More jobs lined up are:
The cleaning of the polytunnel  plastic, inside and out and a tidy.
Hiring a rotivator for Big Bed 1 dig, after clearing debris from last year’s crops and laying down compost.
Cut down raspberry canes and thin out. Check supports and improve where required. FEBRUARY job.
New compost bins 3&4. Create removable entrances for easier access. Use Compost 3 (orchard side) for 2013. Close off 4 for 2014.
Obtain list of trees/hedges (Steve B?) for Hilary to draw up a plan.
Protection frames – proceed with most flexible option. Stakes, water pipe hoops and good quality net. TBA.